Monday, April 23, 2007

Blame the Stars !

This is what Peter Vidal had to say about Sagittarius, today :
This is an ambitious period but, first of all, you must satisfy your emotional goals. It’s time to mend fences if there have been any arguments. Romantic hopes may call you away from home before long. The people you’re attracted to at the moment may be from very different backgrounds.

Of all the things - Sangram had to read this out to me, 1st thing today morning!
Thankfully, I don't believe in Inter Planetary misalignments ruining my week - I am more than capable of doing it myself.

I have noticed that as(s)trologers - have 4 prime areas of concern : Romance, Career, Health, Financial Health. They choose one of the 16 subsets generated by permuting the success / failure in each of these and assign a zodiac sign to it. Good chance that every man thinks - that Bingo! his week had been well-predicted.

& coming to "The people you’re attracted to at the moment may be from very different backgrounds." .. I think I might just start eyeing French Chicks ;)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Seminar Elections Networks Eurotrip Love orkut Eurail Embassy Friendship Scrubs rsl-34 Presentation Compilers Relationships Senti Visa Kile Career Manifesto AI kpdf Cell-phone HIMYM Endsem Coffee Frankie Finger Schengen Term-Paper Elixir INRIA Campaigning StaffC Report Sweat Nat-Comp Sleep nsl-31 Yahoo Ranade Bike ISIC Break Life Google LAN Vivas Thunderbird Syllabus Porn Fuzzy-Logic Slippers Tears Latex Carte-Orange RyanAir mplayer CheatSheets

Friday, April 06, 2007

Stopping in the Labs on a Shady Night

Stopping in the Labs on a Shady Night
                                     --Shantanu Gangal ;)
Whose labs this is, I think I know.
He lives with his LAN, though;
He will not see me stopping here
As his wards squirm around in fear.

All my wingmates think it queer
As they miss my effervescent cheer
Between the courses and labs around
My room PC, is rarely working found.

I take a break from a dull screen
As I recall my passed away teen.
I think of them Miss; I miss,
All for a bright careers' sheen.
The labs are hot, humid, and bleak,
But I have deadlines to meet,
And loads to code before I sleep,
And loads to code before I sleep.

For best results, hum it to the tune of Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening .[If It wasnt obvious yet!]

Thursday, April 05, 2007


For all those, who wondered what was keeping me busy these days [I know that isnt a large number - but still I like to smart around a bit :P], its the final stages of the Seminar, with report and all.

While I dont have any time to delve into more details, at the moment - you can check out my seminar report - as complete as it till now .

Edit :- dated 10.4.2007
Seminar report done. submitted.

Edit :- dated 19.4.2007
Seminar presentation slides -- here.