Thursday, March 30, 2006

Blog :-|

Well, I have realised, much to my chargin that , maintaining a Blog regularly isnt easy. :(
Howsoever I wish to write what I want to write, excuting it isnt easy especially given that there are so many better ways of not doing anything !

My post ends, here... got better things to do ;)

Btw: In the meantimes, PAF's are done with.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Rat Race II

When I first started blogging, I was in quite a different state of mind from the one I am in now. Then it was about short-term apprehension [with the Insti. Elections approaching] (and, in parts, long cherished dreams being shattered[with ...] ) . [Those who dont know what I am talking about, stick around with my blog, I will write about it soon enough]. Now it is more about long-term challenge.

So 'The Rat Race II' comes from a different point of view from 'The Rat Race I'. This ones more inspired by Sudeep's Blog, and generally-not-doing stuff for the heck of it, but most importantly for personal enjoyment.

A major change, from my attitude from here-on would be to try on stuff , that I wudnt have otherwise, since they didnt fit in the Best Laid Plans. For example: In the past few weeks, I attended a Manna Dey concert in OAT as well as the Surbahar in convo. . I almost attended SwarSandhya as well. So while at Surbahar, I danced my heart out.
Who I was or what I stood for, didnt matter as long as I did what I wanted to do !

So starting from where I left in 'The Rat Race I':
At this roadblock, I stop to ponder and explore new ideas and avenues. Subsequently will come a time, when I will have to accept that I ran a rat-race in a maze where there wasnt any cheese for me. That will be hardest part of it all.
Neither is the maze to be blamed, nor are the rats. Its just that, its time to put on the running shoes and start searching for a different maze altogether.
I realise that the maze wasnt meant for me, or more aptly there isnt a well defined maze made for anyone at all. Each is supposed to mould his/her own maze. The tough part will come when I have to stand up for my own maze, and see to it that it doesnt ape the one that had no cheese for me. The very reason that would happen is that, I still would hope that, the maze I left behind did actually have some cheese for me ! The quicker I come to terms with this 'dis'illusion, the better I can craft my own maze !

I had quite a involved conversation with a senior, the night of 8th. He was almost god-sent and helped me a great deal in getting over the initial feeling of emptiness. He apparently had to go through quite a similar experience himself :( . The good thing was that he is quite a respected person in the Insti. and traversed a maze as beautiful and as unique, as well. That did cheer me up significantly and help me carry out routines routinely.

The next few days, were spent in the beleiving that if I had a rainbow as brilliant by the time I pass out as he has, the fact that the entire sky fell upon me one-not-so-fine day will not matter as much ! I could chart my journey the exact same way, as the senior did and end up the same way as he has. Then I too would have people looking up to me and cherish the 'aukaat'.

And This I think, is precisely where it began. Its just that I changed the Maze, I replaced the rats: but essentially it was pretty much the same ... A Rat Race .
Since then I probably have, realised that its high time I learnt what people like Sudeep knew all along:

"And so on, in every aspect of day-to-day life you can see him. Enjoying it out.

You enjoy life to the fullest, largest possible extent and you may begin to look like Renil! But atleast you enjoyed it and the on-lookers didn't! What the hell do you care!"
It makes sense to do stuff that you enjoy and try to excel at it. What doesnt make sense is that you try and live your life the way some other person [howsoever successful] did ! Life is meant to be enjoyed and not chased after.

Each person has to shape his own maze, run down a blind alley - bite into a cheese that is not of his preference - question his maze - kick out in frustration against the walls of the maze, all the same keep running, just because you love to run, the way you want to.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Mood Indigo - The Fe(a)st !

Q: What happened when the Cow Drank Ink ?

Mood Indigo, the Cultural Fest of IITB is synonymous with fun, frolic and hell-of-a time ! Everyone who has been to even 1 of these, will bear testimony to the above fact. For 4 days in December, zillions (or as IITians wud put it: infinite junta) attend the festival. I hope that whoever you are get a chance to do so too.

Those IITians who are reading this, may ignore the subsequent post. I am basically going to talk about MI.

For the rest, Mood Indigo (or later referred to as MoodI or simply, MI) happens around Christmas time, most commonly on the 4 days - 26th to 29th. The activities at the festival are of varied nature - from hardcore Trivia Quizzing to completely whacky Informals. At night time, there are professional shows by renowned artists, called Pronites. These have been host to quite a few artists like, Lucky Ali, Shankar Mahadevan etc. in the past.

But what makes MI worth attending and worth working for, is the junta which turn up for the festival. Check out this orkut link, it will give you an idea how crazy people are about MoodI. Contingents from all over the country turn up well-prepared for it. Quite a few colleges from outside Bombay are known to put in a lot of fight in getting their Play/Dance geared up for winning at MI. Not only the rich rewards, but also the honour of winning at MI is worth the effort.

But even those who arent exactly planning on winning at MI, there are rich pickings to be made ;) Since it is such a big gathering of collge crowd, it offers excellent scope for making new 'contacts' that often do end up going a long way.

The Pronites are great fun too. The Open Air Theatre (OAT) is filled to capacity atleast on 2 of the pronites with the crowd going crazy with joy ! This year, Shaan (whose real name happens to be Shantanu :) as well) had the whole OAT in a frenzy. The same was the case with Remo last year, Lucky Ali the year before, Shankar Mahadevan ....

All in all, the course laid out, by the MI team is tasty and filling. And most importantly every bit of it is Free :)
I have been lucky to have been associated with quite a few MoodI's directly or indirectly. Working for it is as spicy an experience. I hope, I have the stomach to report that as well.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Rat-Race I

I start off as a blogger at a time when most off the doors are rapidly closing around me !

There comes a time when you hit a road block, and all that is left in your hands is to question each of the turns that you took along the way and more importantly , each turn you missed out on :(. Since quite a few rocket scientist ;) , beleive that time cant be reversed, all that one can actually do is think and try and find a way around the road block.
Often vertical turns out to be the correct direction.

Though I do love writing abstart personal thoughts, the very fact that it took me so long to start a Blog, itself is an indication that I never thought out-of-the-maze as long as the road was straight and rather unblocked.

Blogging, I hope will be an activity that i will pursure more often for a personal sort of joy, rather than any kind of recognisition of the kind I have been mindlessly following quite some time now.

At this roadblock, I stop to ponder and explore new ideas and avenues. Subsequently will come a time, when I will have to accept that I ran a rat-race in a maze where there wasnt any cheese for me. That will be hardest part of it all.
Neither is the maze to be blamed, nor are the rats.
Its just that, its time to put on the running shoes and start searching for a different maze altogether.