Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Mood Indigo - The Fe(a)st !

Q: What happened when the Cow Drank Ink ?

Mood Indigo, the Cultural Fest of IITB is synonymous with fun, frolic and hell-of-a time ! Everyone who has been to even 1 of these, will bear testimony to the above fact. For 4 days in December, zillions (or as IITians wud put it: infinite junta) attend the festival. I hope that whoever you are get a chance to do so too.

Those IITians who are reading this, may ignore the subsequent post. I am basically going to talk about MI.

For the rest, Mood Indigo (or later referred to as MoodI or simply, MI) happens around Christmas time, most commonly on the 4 days - 26th to 29th. The activities at the festival are of varied nature - from hardcore Trivia Quizzing to completely whacky Informals. At night time, there are professional shows by renowned artists, called Pronites. These have been host to quite a few artists like, Lucky Ali, Shankar Mahadevan etc. in the past.

But what makes MI worth attending and worth working for, is the junta which turn up for the festival. Check out this orkut link, it will give you an idea how crazy people are about MoodI. Contingents from all over the country turn up well-prepared for it. Quite a few colleges from outside Bombay are known to put in a lot of fight in getting their Play/Dance geared up for winning at MI. Not only the rich rewards, but also the honour of winning at MI is worth the effort.

But even those who arent exactly planning on winning at MI, there are rich pickings to be made ;) Since it is such a big gathering of collge crowd, it offers excellent scope for making new 'contacts' that often do end up going a long way.

The Pronites are great fun too. The Open Air Theatre (OAT) is filled to capacity atleast on 2 of the pronites with the crowd going crazy with joy ! This year, Shaan (whose real name happens to be Shantanu :) as well) had the whole OAT in a frenzy. The same was the case with Remo last year, Lucky Ali the year before, Shankar Mahadevan ....

All in all, the course laid out, by the MI team is tasty and filling. And most importantly every bit of it is Free :)
I have been lucky to have been associated with quite a few MoodI's directly or indirectly. Working for it is as spicy an experience. I hope, I have the stomach to report that as well.

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