Its been raining like, well, Bombay - for the past 10 hours or so. (I was warmly tucked in for the 1st 6, though). So after two cups of Coffee, one Bhutta & plenty of getting wet - heres what I did :).
Take a square bit of paper & fold it into a quarter. Well, simple enough.
Take the end with 4 leaves and fold 1 of them to a side and 3 to the other to get something as seen in the second image!
Open up the central region of the design to get a diamond with vertical creases as seen in the next image. Pull the creases to have a boat - that does floats!
Well, while what I might have heaped on you might be KG stuff, its good to practice ones' skills once in a while :P & make your own boat. Once that is done; its great joy to watch your creations go down the drain!:D
Sweet! :)
I never figured out how to make a decent boat....
so i used to patent the ones I made... :) :)
@Sudeep: Where are you be?
@Shubodeep: Long time man, hows Europe?
Awesome...!!! best experience ever..!!
So where are you headed now?
nicely written piece. brought back my childhood memories:)
@Kolor: Well! I do miss Europe :( U In Rennes, rite?
Another year in here.
Hey! Thanks.
If you are from Bombay, you would have experienced how great it felt that day :D
:) Nice! yes in those 10 hours, I was stuck in my car for 4,watching the kids play in the knee deep water on the highway *sob*sob* but reminded me of my childhood! :)
@Yashshri: What were you doing in a car that early in the day? No one in my colony is arnd my age - so I was a lone sailor :P
had to drop my sis for a singing audition!
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