Saturday, October 28, 2006

Kick, Vroom .. & Away !

Hey all,
One of the original reason of setting up this blog has re-incarnated in the form of another blog --

No specific reason, other than
1. This will continue to have things I think
2. That will have Things I do.

Anyway, this will continue to be more active among the two, since I think a LOT more than I do [though occasionally things I do, are WAY more interesting, than the things I think :P] !

Or in CSE terminology --
[Caution -- Fatta Ahead]
This one will have all the Static Meaderings
That one will have the Dynamic Meaderings.

So in order to avoid a Binding error, had to create seperate scopes :))
[First one to point out a technical flaw in this, will get a kick on their @$$]

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